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Description: 918 KB, Jon Stovell, Backup, Utilities, StickiesSync

▹ StickiesSync vers.1.3

StickiesSync implements automatic, instantaneous, silent synchronization of your sticky notes across multiple Macs. Run the installation script once on each Mac, and never worry about it again.
StickiesSync uses a shared folder or server volume to sync your Stickies. For example, you can sync using your iCloud Drive, DropBox, Google Drive, Resilio Sync, your own private internet-accessible server, or any other kind of server that gives you full read and write access via file sharing in the Finder.
StickiesSync runs invisibly in the background (no Dock or menu bar icons wasting space), but can be paused and resumed with the click of a button.

on iMac Pro STICKIESSYNC.VERS.1.4.ZCQG.TAR.GZ {1028 kbytes}

Updated version vers.1.7.StickiesSync.kPx.pkg {936 kbytes}

Mac Pro vers_3.3_StickiesSync_ETg.dmg {963 kbytes}

Recomended to Mac {1092 kbytes}

Updated version {881 kbytes}

Jon Stovell

Torrent version key

Recomended! version B1FreeArchiver.ver.1.5.89.P0EZ.dmg 1.6.86

Best OS X version.3.8.5.JES.Deinterlacer.27eDJ.tar.gz 3.8.8

Featured MacOS 7.03-VIDEOPAD-PJFKC2.APP 6.5

(853 kbytes) Software StickiesSync ver 2.3 CCU7Pd 1.6 Featured to 10.12

(908 kbytes) STICKIESSYNC 2.3 PGNE8 3.3 Featured 10.13.5

(771 kbytes) Get v.1.7 StickiesSync lkf3 1.6 Version on iMac
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